Brennan's body changed blood group from O negative to O positive when she became ill while on drugs to avoid rejection of the organ by her body's immune system. 布伦南生病期间需服药来避免身体免疫系统对移植器官的排斥,其间她的O型血从阴性转为阳性。
Scientists have developed a simple method of converting blood from various blood groups into group O, which can be given to anyone. 科学家们开发出了一种把各种血型转换成O型的简单技术,这样可以把血输给任何人。
By use of hydrophobic interaction of O, O-diacyl side chain, our research group has first prepared O, O-didodecanoyl chitosan self-assembly vesicles for drug delivery. 本课题组利用O,O&双十二酰壳聚糖侧链的疏水化相互作用,首次成功制备了其自组装药用泡囊。
Methods The frequency and mortality of acute pancreatitis of post-ERCP, and the plasma contents of cholecystokinin-octapeptide ( CCK-OP) and amylase were compared among control group ( group C), octreotide treatment group ( group O) and proglumide treatment group ( group P). 方法比较对照组(S组)、奥曲肽组(O组)、丙谷胺组(P组)急性胰腺炎的发生率、死亡率、血浆胆囊收缩素八肽(CCK-OP)及血清淀粉酶含量的变化。
Clinical significance of anti-AB titer of pregnant women with blood group O O型孕妇血清IgG抗AB效价测定的临床意义
Objective To study the anti A and/ or anti B antibody titers in blood group O serum, and to discuss its significance on clinical transfusion. 目的调查O型血清中抗A、抗B抗体效价浓度,分析其在临床输血中的意义。
Group O: OVX ( ovariectomy)+ mandibular bone defect, 27); 去势+下颌骨骨缺损组(OVX+mandibularbonedefect,简称O组,27只);
Methods B lymphocytes from a Rh negative woman, which can produce anti D antibodies were transformed by Epstein Barr virus ( EBV). Antibody secreting cells were enriched by RhD+ group O erythrocytes and cloned by limited dilute method. 方法以EB病毒(EBV)转化能分泌抗D抗体的Rh阴性供者的B淋巴细胞,用酶处理RhD+、O型红细胞富集抗D分泌细胞,并用有限稀释法克隆。
The preliminary study of cross reacting antibody in group O sera O型人血清中交叉反应性抗体的初步研究
Conclusion A procedure for batch preparation of universal red blood cells converted from group B to group O was successfully developed. 结论建立了B→O血型转换通用型红细胞的批量制备工艺。
In this paper, the character of IgM and IgG cross reacting antibody in group O sera was investigated. 对O型人血清中IgM和IgG交叉反应性抗体的性质作了初步研究。
Cloning and Expression of Alpha-galactosidase cDNA for Seroconversion from Group B to O B→O血型转变工具酶α-半乳糖苷酶cDNA克隆及表达
The enzyme ot-galactosidase isolated from green coffee bean could convert the red blood celis of Blood group B into blood group O type. 从绿色咖啡豆中制备的α-半乳糖苷酶可以将B型血转变为O型血。
Of the 69 patients, 41 were hospitalized patients ( as group H) and 28 were out-patients ( as group O). 69名病人中,41人为住院病人(H组),28人为门诊病人(O组)。
The treated T strain and the six strains untreated with the culture of Type A Clostridium welchii can not agglutinate the human Group O RBC and RBC of all the eight species of animal. 而经家兔A型魏氏梭菌培养液处理的T株和未经处理的6株病毒对人O型以及8种动物的红细胞都没有凝集性。
Normal control group ( N), bone rarefaction group ( O) were injected distilled water; 正常对照组(N),骨质疏松对照组(O)注射三蒸水;
Induce contact dermatitis on each group, P. O, measure the variations of the left ear thickness of the mice. 将各组鼠左耳分别诱发接触性皮炎,灌胃给药,测量鼠耳厚度变化;
Investigation and analysis of anti-A/ B complete and incomplete antibody titers in blood group O serum 献血者O型血清抗-A、抗-B完全抗体与不完全抗体效价的调查分析
Objective To develop a procedure for batch preparation of universal red blood cells converted from group B to group O and provide universal red blood cells for clinic. 目的建立B→O血型转换红细胞(通用型红细胞)批量制备工艺,为临床提供通用型红细胞制品。
Histomorphometry showed that the combination ratio of bone surface with implant in group O decreased significantly compared with E, group A and S, among which there were no significant statistical differences. 骨组织形态计量学:O组比S组、E组和A组骨结合率、松质骨区骨量明显下降,结果有统计学意义。E组、A组与S组未有统计学差异。
But in group O, evident neointima were observed and lots of proliferative cells were seen in media and intima, internal elastic lamina were injured as well. O组动脉腔内有明显新生内膜,中膜及内膜层有大量的增生细胞,内弹力层模糊。
Benzimidazole compounds containing flexible group-O-,-SO2-,-CO-,-CH3 were prepared successfully by solution polycondensation. 采用溶液缩聚反应,成功合成了6种苯并咪唑化合物,合成化合物引入了柔性集团-O-、-SO-2-、-CO-、-CH3等。
Using random number table to select 6 as the blank group ( O group), 18 the use of the remaining free surgery after femoral artery occlusion producing experimental skeletal muscle ischemia-reperfusion injury model. 应用随机数字表法选取6只作为空白组(O组),余下18只采用外科手术游离股动脉后夹闭制作实验性骨骼肌缺血再灌注损伤模型。